The most intimate orbit of a blue sun

Rupert's call

Beginning of track 7 

After getting up and starting to walk again, Rupert has to dispose of what's left of his journey so far. He realizes that, in order to build the new, the old must, in a sense, be destroyed. Having done this, Rupert finds himself in a void. The night is heard and, right after, a voice: "follow me".

The most intimate orbit of a blue sun

Duration: 6:28

Fábio Cardoso: Piano

Guilherme Romanelli: Violin and viola

Ivo Meyer: Violoncello

Lauro de Castro Netto: Arrangement

Klaus de Geus: Acoustic guitars and synthesizers


More about the song

Song made after "Blue Sun", as a prelude in a more introspective style. It originally has a lyric summary of "Blue Sun", but slightly modified. The instruments sounded so good that I had trouble to achieve a suitable mixing.

The most intimate orbit of a blue Sun" begins with "Rupert's call".

"I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye sees you." (Job 42:5)

"Antes eu te conhecia só de ouvir falar. Agora meus olhos te veem." (Jó 42:5)

ISRC: BR-KLU-23-00007


venha até aqui

se espelhe em águas claras

siga-me de perto

rumo ao norte.

estrelas cintilantes

das que se acendem

elas são finitas

mas não o sol

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