Blue light

Rupert's fate

Beginning of track 10 

Rupert now understands the nature of the principles upon which his journey should be based. At last he knows his fate and arrives at a place from which his journey can be resumed.

Rupert's plunge into the confluence of grey and blue

Beginning of track 10 

Rupert is now ready to plunge into the confluence of grey and blue.

Blue light

Duration: 8:10

Lauro de Castro Netto: Arrangement, programmig and saxophone

Rogério Proença: Guitars and acoustic guitar

Klaus de Geus: Keyboard, piano, acoustic guitar and synthesizers


More about the song

This song was born out of a moment of meditation, on the guitar, which is not what I played best, with lyrics taken directly from the book of Job, in the Bible.

"Life-giving breath" begins with "Rupert's confession".

ISRC: BR-KLU-23-00009


o Espírito de Deus me fez

e o sopro do Todo-Poderoso me dá vida

"Blue light" was one of the last songs made for this album. I tried to explore some characteristics, for example, starting it in a very introspective way and progressively moving to a more aggressive tone in terms of instrumentation.

"Blue light"  begins with "Rupert's fate" and "Rupert's plunge into the confluence of grey and blue".

ISRC: BR-KLU-23-00010


tua luz é o sol

que me traz à cor

tua voz é o sopro

que me leva ao sol

teu fulgor me faz


teu calor de sol

me faz amanhecer

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