A still small voice I need to feel

A still small voice I need to feel

Duration: 6:00

Lauro de Castro Netto: Arrangement, piano and keyboard

Rogério Proença: Guitars

Klaus de Geus: Synthesizers

Rupert's cul-de-sac

End of track 6

Despite being fully aware of his journey, he weakens when he realizes that the unforeseen events he had sensed were coming true. Suddenly, everything in his life seems to fall apart. All of this naturally makes him hesitate about the choices made and even about his concepts. Were they, or at least part of them, wrong? At one point, Rupert feels alone and cornered, blaming himself for the misfortune that has befallen him.

Rupert's new path

End of track 6

Rupert then seems to wake up from a bad dream, hearing a still small voice within him that speaks not only to his ears but also to his heart. It's a very intimate voice, telling him not to be afraid. Finally, he accepts that it didn't really matter if he had made mistakes or not, because mistakes can be forgiven. He gets up and starts moving again.


More about the song

This introspective song was made in a moment of contrition, in which I wanted to hear and understand the voice of God. It was recorded the first time for this work, but later I decided to make everything from scratch, as I noticed that the "mood", with which it had been made, had disappeared.

Musically, the song is characterized by constant tonal changes.

"A still small voice I need to feel" finishes with "Rupert's cul-de-sac", followed by "Rupert's new path". 

ISRC: BR-KLU-23-00006


me faz ouvir

me faz sentir a tua voz

porque sem vir

até o rio, até a foz,

alguma vez, de uma vez,

não saberei como viver.

por que me vai,

por que me foge a tua voz?

se vai sem mim,

como se faz p'ra estar a sós,

p'ra encontrar e se deixar,

sem ter que se inventar a fim?

olha p'ra mim, eu sinto falta de esperar e alcançar.

me faz cruzar os olhos nesse teu olhar

me vem fazer

sentir esse calor de ser.

sem ele assim, em um momento

eu me vou.

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