Freedom's theme

Rupert's departure

Beginning of track 4 

After all the hesitation and preparation, Rupert finally leaves home, willing to face the unknown and, despite the complexity of this challenge, fully aware that he should do it.

The beginning of Rupert's journey

Beginning of track 4 

It may seem simple for someone outside his reality, but leaving home requires courage and determination.

Freedom's theme

Duration: 4:33

Lauro de Castro Netto: Arrangement, keyboards e programming

Rogério Proença: Guitar and acoustic guitar

Klaus de Geus: Vocals, keyboard, piano, acoustic guitar and synthesizers

Rupert's soliloquy

End of track 4

During the first steps of his journey, he remembers all the good moments of his life, replays the foundations upon which he grew up and rewrites his new path on this background.


More about the song

This song was made from a phrase I wrote while sitting in a church pew, while the minister was talking about freedom. The recording explores some duplicated instruments making cyclic sequences.

"Freedom's theme"  begins with "Rupert's departure" and "The beginning of Rupert's journey", and finishes with "Rupert's soliloquy".

ISRC: BR-KLU-23-00004


liberdade é a gente

poder dizer que depende de alguém,

alguém que depende da gente

p'rá ser feliz

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