

R&D management, academic management, strategic research planning, scientific evaluation, scientific literature, R&D project management, research coordination in R&D projects, technological innovation.

1. Consultant – Specialized Technical Services

2. R&D Evaluation consultant – ANEEL – Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (National Electric Energy Agency).

3. Member of the technical-scientific board – CIAg – Centre for Innovation in Agribusiness

4. Senior postdoctoral researcher – Postgraduate Programme in Public Policies – UFPR

5. Member of the board of editors – Espaço Energia – Brazilian Open Journal of Energy

Professional trajectory

R&D Programme Manager at Copel Geração e Transmissão S.A., from 2008 to 2010.

Scientific Evaluation Coordinator at Copel, from 2009 to 2020.

Editor-in-chief of “Espaço Energia – Brazilian Open Journal of Energy”, from 2004 to 2020.

Member of the board of editors of “Espaço Energia – Brazilian Open Journal of Energy”, since 2020.

R&D project manager at Copel, from 2002 to 2020.

Research coordinator in R&D projects at Copel / UFPR, from 2002 to 2020.

Author of the book "Mentes Criativas, Projetos Inovadores: A Arte de Empreender P&D e Inovação" ("Creative Minds, Innovative Projects: The Art of Undertaking R&D and Innovation" - free translation).

Author of the fiction book "Invidia and the Drawn Sword: Gateway to the Land of Stauron".

R&D projects

Original project titles are in Portuguese.

Methodology for the Elaboration of the Deficit Cost Function - Metodologia de Elaboração da Função de Custo do Déficit (2015 – 2018) – researcher

Virtual reality environment for training in live-line distribution network maintenance activities - Ambiente de realidade virtual para treinamento em atividades de manutenção de redes de distribuição em linha viva (2005 – 2009) – coordinator

Development of a prototype for operation and distributed automation of substations using open standards - Desenvolvimento de um protótipo para operação e automação distribuída de subestações utilizando padrões abertos (2005 – 2007) – coordinator

Intelligent R&D investment analysis system - Sistema inteligente de análise de investimentos em P&D (2007 – 2009) – researcher

Development of an automatic diagnosis technique using three-dimensional tomography of electrical components - Desenvolvimento de técnica de diagnóstico automático por tomografia tridimensional de componentes elétricos (2004 – 2008) – coordinator

Analysis of concrete structures of dams, substations and poles using 2D and 3D computed tomography - Análise de estruturas de concreto de barragens, subestações e postes por tomografia computadorizada 2D e 3D (2008 – 2014) – researcher

Development of an integrated economic and socio-environmental system for generating electrical energy from the processing of urban solid waste - Desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado econômico e socioambiental de geração de energia elétrica a partir do processamento do resíduo sólido urbano (2011 – 2013) – researcher (the project was cancelled after elaboration)

Virtual reality, tangible interaction, pervasive computing, simulation and learning models applied to live-line transmission and distribution network maintenance training - Tecnologia de realidade virtual, interação tangível, computação pervasiva e modelos de simulação e aprendizagem aplicados ao treinamento de manutenção de redes de transmissão e distribuição em linha viva (2011 – 2019) – coordinator

Live-learning: Virtual maintenance training environment for live-line power transmission systems using gamification and learning models - Live-learning: Cabeça-de-série – Ambiente virtual de treinamento de manutenção de sistemas de transmissão de energia em linha viva usando gamification e modelos de aprendizagem (2019) – coordinator (the project was elaborated, submitted and aproved, awaiting kickoff)

System for automatically determining the state and temperature of disconnecting switches in electrical substations - Sistema para determinação automática do estado e temperatura de chaves seccionadoras em subastações elétricas (2019 – 2020) – researcher (ceased to participate after leaving company)

Analysis of repowering of hydroelectric plants with reversible generating units: technological solutions, integrated optimization and regulatory proposals - Análise de repotenciação de usinas hidrelétricas do SIN com unidades geradoras reversíveis: soluções tecnológicas, otimização integrada e proposições regulatórias (2019 – 2020) – manager (the project was elaborated, submitted and aproved - ceased to participate after leaving company)

Lynx Project – Large-scale optimization applied to hydrothermal dispatch: hierarchical models of operation and planning in the medium and short term with energy and power integration - Projeto Lynx – Otimização em larga escala aplicada ao despacho hidrotérmico brasileiro: modelos hierárquicos de operação e planejamento em médio e curto prazos com integração de energia e potência (2013 – 2020) – manager (the role of manager was interrupted five months before the 54-month-project was concluded due to leaving company - participation thereafter as a researcher of the Lynx Energy Research Group)



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