Come and behold

Rupert's prelude

Beginning of track 3

Prelude represents Rupert's preparation to leave his household and soon begin his journey. He knows he had been called to a special mission that requires him to get up and act.

Come and behold

Duration: 6:04

Lauro de Castro Netto: Arrangement, keyboards, programming and saxophone

Rogério Proença: Guitar

David Fehrmann: Guitar

Klaus de Geus: Keyboard and synthesizers


More about the song

Song also made for Paulo's lyrics, with a more melodious characteristic, arranged by Lauro in jazz style. After it was composed, David and I rehearsed it and came up with a very interesting arrangement, with slightly different chords on the piano and the guitar. In this work, the arrangement of the song was redone, but kept some characteristics of the original version.

"Come and behold" begins with "Rupert's prelude", representing his preparation to leave his household and soon begin his journey.

ISRC: BR-KLU-23-00003


vinde e contemplai o curso das águas

vem das nascentes, da sua mãe terra

corre abraçando a mãe terra e vai

com destino determina a sua correnteza

flui até desembocar, que sabe,

se possível, num mar de água.

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