Life-giving breath

Rupert's confession

Beginning of track 9 

Rupert finally catches his breath, yet he feels as if he's got nothing left that could make sense of him. "You know, it is what it is..." He's in the world, he hears people interacting around him, things are moving everywhere, but none of that makes sense to him. He's got nothing, yet he feels a spark that calls him to exist and bear fruit.

Life-giving breath

Duration: 3:19

Lauro de Castro Netto: Arrangement, keyboards and programming

Carine Luup: Lead vocals

Ezequias Lacerda: Vocals

Rogério Proença: Guitars

Klaus de Geus: Synthesizers


More about the song

This song was born out of a moment of meditation, on the guitar, which is not what I played best, with lyrics taken directly from the book of Job, in the Bible.

"Life-giving breath" begins with "Rupert's confession".

ISRC: BR-KLU-23-00009


o Espírito de Deus me fez

e o sopro do Todo-Poderoso me dá vida

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